Clint, born at the CERM on 31 May 2020 and released in Basilicata on 15 August together with three other young Egyptian vultures, is making his first, long and dangerous migration to the African wintering districts.
Starting on August 26 from the release area, in the Murgia Materana Regional Park, Clint quickly crossed Calabria and then crossed the Strait of Messina on September 2. The following day, after leaving the south-western coasts of Sicily, he reached the island of Pantelleria, flying over 108 km of open sea in two hours and 19′, at an average of about 46 km / h.
The young Egyptian vulture allowed himself only a night stop on the small island and on 4 September he left again, traveled another 136 km on the sea and reached the Tunisian coasts. In the following days, he continued his migration southwards crossing first Tunisia and then entering the Algerian desert. On September 8, the last signal received from Clint’s radio indicated him in the heart of the Sahara, on the same day when he reached 100 days of age.
From now on, the chances of his radio hooking up a GSM antenna are diminishing, so the only hope is that it will arrive safely beyond the desert and wait for a new data transmission, which could occur even in many months.