An educational notebook to make the Egyptian vulture known, not only to the kids

How can you write about the Egyptian vulture, a species unknown to most people, trying to capture the attention of readers? We tried with an educational notebook full of images and contents produced by E-Distribuzione S.p.A.

The comic that tells the story of Felix

The notebook, created by Biodiversità sas and the graphic illustrator Nicola Cillo, has children and teenagers as its main target but it seems to be very popular with older people too! The product will be used, in particular, as part of the educational activity that will be carried out in the schools of the project areas by Federparchi-Europarc Italia when the Covid19 emergency it’s over.

The European vultures

To open the notebook is a cartoon overflowing with colors, starring the young Egyptian vulture Felix. The comic book, conceived and created by Nicola Cillo, is a true jewel of a graphic novel in which the intense brushstrokes tell a story that has a lot of reality and which, in its happy ending, conveys a message of optimism for the survival of the species in Italy.

The comic that tells the story of Felix

The rest of the notebook, with simple contents accompanied by numerous drawings and photographs, presents this little vulture in a more “classic” way (which is not necessarily synonymous with “boring”), the dangers that dot its life and what it is. doing to revive the fortunes.

For the little ones, the Egyptian vulture to color

To download the notebook in PDF format click here.

Life Egyptian Vulture