E-Distribución power lines are being modified to avoid the risk of electrocution for the “Guirre canario”, the subspecies of Egyptian vulture that lives in the two islands of the Spanish Archipelago.
Of the 90 power poles subject to the isolation interventions, 22 are located in Lanzarote while 68 are located in Fuerteventura, the island that hosts the most important fraction of the Canarian Egyptian vulture population.
The modification of the poles made by E-Distribución Redes Digitales (formerly Endesa Distribución Eléctrica) is an extremely important measure for the preservation of the Egyptian vulture because electrocution is one of the main non-natural mortality factors for the species in the Canary Islands. Here, in fact, the pylons are used not only as perches but also as real “dormitories”: on some of them, in fact, several tens of Egyptian vultures can gather to spend the night.
Despite the fact that many pylons have already been modified in recent years, the risk of electrocution occurring remains high also because the Egyptian vulture population is increasing and expanding into new areas.
The identification of the pylons most at risk, in which structural changes are a priority for the “guirre”, was carried out thanks to the information collected as part of the constant monitoring of the population which is carried out by the Estación Biologica de Doñana (CSIC) on assignment of the Gobierno de Canarias.
E-Distribución’s contribution to the protection of the “Guirre Canario” is not limited to the activities carried out within the LIFE Egyptian vulture project: in fact, thanks to the collaboration established between the company and the Gobierno de Canarias by virtue of a specific agreement, changes are being made to other power poles located in strategic areas for the species. Between 2018 and 2019, 38 pylons were isolated, making them safe for the Egyptian vulture and many other threatened bird species.